By running server side code on the Digital Ocean App Platform we were able to leverage Nuxt3 as a fully fledged web application platform.
Ash World's Shopify Headless with Nuxt.js
ASH.WORLD's headless Shopify store SOUVENIRS was a 3 month long build with NUXT3, Shopify's Storefront and Admin GraphQL API's and hosted on Digital Ocean's App Platform on a Node.js container.
NUXT3 really has come in to it's own as a fullstack, feature rich web application framework and as an ex-Ruby On Rails advocate I can confidently say that Nuxt is offering all the features and developers happiness that ROR once did, but for the Javascript ecosystem.
By running server side code on igital Ocean App Platform we were able to leverage Nuxt3's SSR mode (Server Side Rendered) as a fully fledged web application platform. These tasks could have been passed off to serverless functions, but we opted for in-app code for self containment.