Google Page Speed Insights is on the forefront of every Shopify store owners mind ever since Shopify added a glaring widget to their theme dashboard in late 2020. Storefront owners were shocked to discover that their seemingly fast and fluid website scored extremely badly - what was going on?

Google uses its Page Speed Insights score as a benchmark for your website’s performance and factors that in to the way it ranks you. Potentially penalizing sites with poor scores.
Why does my site score poorly?
First and foremost it is worth acknowledging that Page Speed’s guidelines make some pretty radical and extremely biased suggestions as to how your website code is structured and delivered. It’s no surprise that Google AMP, a framework Google would like you to adopt, uses every one of their suggested techniques. If you’re a Shopify merchant, your ability to produce a Google AMP site from your Shopify theme is pretty close to zero. Doing it as part of a headless system would be entirely possible but would also present many additional development challenges and costs.